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EMAC houses over $11 million in highly specialized equipment in 5 nodes and provides scientific and technical expertise in spectroscopy and spectrometry. EMAC is hosted by the University of Manitoba, and includes nodes from Brandon University and the University of Winnipeg. 

Research Nodes


MIRF was established in 2014 under the supervision of Drs. Mostafa Fayek and Alfredo Camacho. The Facility is housed in the Department of Earth Sciences and is part of EMAC and Center for Earth Observation (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba. 

This state-of-the-art Facility has one of four  Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometers (SIMS) in Canada, a diverse Stable Isotope Lab (EA, TC/EA, Gas Bench, GC-C) along with several satellite Geochemistry Labs, a Biogeochemistry Lab, and an Argon-Argon Lab.

MIRF offers hands-on opportunities for students and visiting scientists, and provides a wide array of analytical services for industry, academic, and government organizations world-wide. 


ENGF was established in 2020 under the supervision of Drs. Michael Schindler and Kirstin Brink. The ENGF is housed in the Department of Earth Sciences and is equipped for the preparation of biological and geological samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy. 


Movement, Interaction, Resilience, and Adaptation Facility

The MIRA facility at the University of Winnipeg includes four laboratories: a 3D lab, a paleoethnobotany lab, an osteoarchaeology lab, and the Manitoba Organic Isotope Centre (MOIC). The MIRA facility allows for combined use of optical microscopy, and high-definition sampling techniques to:  significantly increase the resolution with which we can detect and characterize lifetime events in bones and dental tissues, explore the potential of different stable isotope systems as markers of dietary practices, geographic origins and changes in climatic variables, and enable the full morphological and biochemical characterization of microbotanicals to improve taxonomic identification.


Manitoba Mineral Analytical Facility

The MMAF is focused on serving the environmental, exploration and mining sector in Canada and offers subsidies for companies working in Manitoba. Our mission is to aide in creating sustainable economic development in Manitoba, as we move away from a higher emission past to a cleaner and more renewable sourced future.  Critical metals and minerals are vital, and we seek to be leaders in providing quality technical services for this imperative. We collaborate with industry, academia and government in working towards a prosperous and sustainable future for all.


Archaeometry Facility

The AF consists of several laboratories, each focused on different materials and methods. Research in the AF focus on four primary areas: (1) Methods for age estimation and sex determination of skeletal remains, applied to forensics and understanding the composition of past populations. (2) Growth and development in children and the health and wellbeing of adults. (3) Past human-animal relations and the development of farming. (4) Paleoeconomics of early farming and urban societies.

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